The Dumbuster Duathlon


Well, what can I say other than DNF

Although it could be considered a DNS in a way, but any way you slice it, my first Duathlon was a bit of a disaster.

The days running up to the event were filled with weather reports of doom, floods, snow, ice and misery! I wasn’t really feeling this race at all.

On the morning of the race, it was cold, wet, miserable and threatening snow, I  decided that I would just do the run, I would be a massive quitter and fair weather rider! pathetic.

On the drive to the start line, I was starting to think I made the right decision, a lorry had skidded off the motorway and a clio had crashed on a bend which was part of the bike course. This sport is supposed to be fun, I didn’t see this day as a fun day and I’m not good enough to win anything, so I’m pleased I decided not to race.

Wrapped up warm with nice thick socks, gloves and a bid woolly hat, I looked a little out of place amongst the hardcore Duathletes, some opting to don only trisuits! madness in the freezing weather, the race director was quoting a -8c windchill on the bike course.

Even wrapped up, the run was bloody freezing cold and it started to drizzle a little half way round, side ways drizzle blown in by the wind.

excuses, excuses ;)

I crossed the line a winner of the 10k race (first in a race of one), the first person to run across the line that day and surprising the marshals who were still setting up ;) handed my tag in and buggered off home.

Not far into the journey home, it started to hail stone, the winds picked up again and the temperature plummeted, I would have still been on the bike at that point! I turned up the heated seat a little, switched on the fog lights and drove home thinking a DNF today wasn’t all that bad.


Newton Distance V


Getting back to race weight